Auto Services
Located in Ras-Al-Khor, Industrial 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates opposite of Aladdin container.
Our location stands on a 40,000 sq. ft. area, equipped with 10 service bays / ramps and easily accessible with two side roads and two entrance gates for convenient movement of all types of vehicles including heavy trucks.Full camera on site.
The firm was established in 1997 here in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and has been penetrating the auto servicing business in the country for the last 21 years. Inspired by the goal to serve professionally, our customers from private sectors such as independent owners, transportation companies, construction companies, schools, and companies that have large or small fleet of trucks, buses and any mode of vehicle that requires scheduled maintenance have been coming for servicing with satisfaction
Manual Exterior Wash, Shampoo, Rinse, Tire Polish, Drying, Floor & Window Interior Cleaning, Dash Board Polish From Heavy and Extended Size Trucks to Sedans
Oil Change: Using Shell & Caltex Oil Only Filter Change: -Hengst-Mann Filter - Using various Type of Filter Brands, depends on the customer’s request.
For Automotive Lubrication Using only top quality of MP2 Lithium Grease Brand
We also have best quality diesel at competitive prices
We at Best Value Auto Services we provide different type of product: SHELL & EPPCO Lubricants.
Products that have been used to service your vehicles through Best Value Auto Services are listed below:
Shell Rimula R2 – Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil / 5,000 KMS Shell Rimula R4 – Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil / 10,000 KMS
Caltex Delo Fleet PRO SAE 20W-50 - Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil / 5,000 KMS Delo Gold Ultra SAE 15W-40 - Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil / 10,000 KMS